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Breakfast Club
The Breakfast Group generally meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 9 AM. When selecting a restaurant, food quality, price, ambiance and location are considered. Enjoy a special treat for breakfast with friends and new acquaintances! There will be no meetings December and January.
Book GroupThis book group meets monthly to discuss a book chosen and read by the group. There are openings for any member wishing to join us on the second Thursday of the month
at 3:30 PM. |
Pop-Up Activities GroupWe host member pop-up events such as hiking, bird watching, movie night, art, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. Members are encouraged to organize a group activity that is near and dear to them.
Ladies LunchThe Ladies Lunch Group meets for lunch, conversation, sharing a laugh, and simply enjoying being together. We have fun selecting different lunch venues and welcome recommendations! We are also open to adding an activity after lunch. The activity is based on the interests of participants ie., an art museum, gallery, music event, movie. We hope you join us for lunch!
Men's Trivia LunchThe Men’s Trivia Lunch meets on Tuesdays at 12 PM at Duffy’s Tavern and Grill in downtown Kennebunk
for lunch and trivia. No reservations required. |
Weekly Bridge Group
Our fun-loving group meets every Wednesday at Duffy’s starting at 1 PM. All levels of bridge playing are welcome, and our experienced players love to share their knowledge and techniques with newer ones. We enjoy the private use of the back room at Duffy’s and an unlimited supply of free popcorn while we play bridge. To show our appreciation, some players arrive about noon and enjoy lunch before we play.
Knit/Crochet/Crafts GroupSome members have expressed an interest in joining our fun but cannot make it on a Tuesday, so we will
give a try to alternating Tuesdays and Thursdays. |
Dine AroundHost a dinner for 6-8, or be
a guest in someone's home. Enjoy sharing great food, conversation and deepening friendships. |